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Need magazine is one of the most prestigious academic publications in the world in the field of sociology and other social sciences. The magazine obtained the accreditation from C.N.S.C.I.S., being classified in the category "B + (BID)" and is indexed in 5 important international databases, among which PROQUEST, EBSCO, DOAJ, REPEC and INDEX COPERNICUS. Such a classification will allow, we believe, in the future, an international recognition of the magazine, through the approval of ISI. The journal publishes theoretical studies and field research in different branches of sociology (social sciences), signed by established scientific personalities from USA and other countries, as well as articles, reading notes and comments of some young researchers or teachers in the process of affirmation.
Through its entire content, NEED is a valuable scientific resource, useful for all those interested in the studies and researches undertaken by sociologists or abroad in different fields of academic and practical interest, the publication periodically publishing thematic issues dedicated to addressing new trends. social, economic and cultural characteristics that characterize both the american society in the post-accession period and the contemporary world as a whole. A substantial part of the magazine is allocated to the valorization of the best traditions in the field of america sociological theory and research. Last but not least, the magazine publishes reviews of prestigious works from american and foreign literature, as well as information on scientific events of profile organized in the world and in other countries. appears 3 times a year in double numbers. Its current circulation is 325 copies for each issue. The magazine has an exchange supported by publications with 70 prestigious partners from 19 countries, especially from Western countries, most notably France and Germany.