Almost 8 years ago

#ReadMyLips, Mr. Trump

Women aren't objects and should not be rated on a scale,described by our anatomy or verbally physically or sexually assaulted. #ReadMyLips, Mr. Trump: Women are human beings.  

Women are intelligent, talented and skilled at home, in the workplace and in the community.  #ReadMyLips, Mr. Trump: Women deserve equal pay for equal work.

Pregnancy is not a pre-existing condition. Infertility and reproductive health is not a pre-existing condition. #ReadMyLips, Mr. Trump: Women need equal access to affordable, universal healthcare. 

Women's healthcare decisions aren't for insurance companies and the government to decide. #ReadMyLips, Mr. Trump: Women deserve to make their own medical choices.

Women have different political, social and cultural views and beliefs. We are not a homogenous gender. We are different races, ethnicities and practice different lifestyles and religions.  #ReadMyLips, Mr. Trump: Women are diverse. 

Women are executives, leaders and professionals who are dedicated to their careers. Like men, they are also dedicated to their families. #ReadMyLips, Mr. Trump: Americans - men and women - should have legal, paid parental leave and affordable childcare. 

Education is for everyone - all people, all races, all cultures, all lifestyles, all genders. #ReadMyLips, Mr. Trump: Women and their children need a quality public education. 

Women are scientists, politicians, corporate executives, mathematicians, political activists, inventors, artists and more. #ReadMyLips, Mr. Trump: Women are changemakers.

Women love women of all races, cultures and lifestyles. #ReadMyLips, Mr. Trump: Marriage Equality is for everyone.  

Women live longer, live in poverty, live with diseases and disabilities. We are refugees and victims of trafficking and kidnappings. #ReadMyLips, Mr. Trump: Women aren't expendable. 

Women make up nearly half the world's population. #ReadMyLips, Mr. Trump: Women are powerful. 
