Almost 8 years ago


We have reviewed your first 50 days on the job and have found your effort unsatisfactory. We find your work ethic, your pathological lying, and your absence of good character, coupled with your bad attitude toward women, refugees, immigrants, LGBTQ community, and any other non-white person and your efforts to delegitimize the press - Deplorable! You are fired. Signed, Sarah Risi, concerned mother and educator.

2 replies
  • I don't agree with that ladies assessment of your performance. I believe you have done an excellent job. As usual that person can give no specific incidents. There was merely a list of ramblings about your performance
    • 1. Appointed cabinet members who colluded with Russia and tweeted that the FBI basically "can't catch him." 2. Tweeted lies about Obama wiretapping 3. Set about banning Muslims from the U.S. and deporting immigrants - don't believe for one second that the ones who get to stay won't be harrassed by bigots even more. 4. Set about eliminating healthcare for millions of Americans along with Congress. 5. Working hard to get rid of Planned Parenthood to deny even more access to health care for millions of Americans. 6. Appointed Betsy Devos, a Secretary of Education who bought her way into leadership and will seek to create public funding for private schools that are not accountable to the federal government. 7. Seeking to eliminate Meals on Wheels, free school lunches for children in poverty. 8. His record on treating women speaks for itself. But hey, maybe First Lady Ivanka will move in to the White House soon and sell some fancy purses to raise money for paid family leave. But only for married straight moms. I could go on but it's only March, let's let it all play out.
    • As someone in education, what do you hope he will do for schools?