9y ago

Music Tech Events LA / NYC

Now that the big game is out of the way it's time to turn attention toward the music industry’s Super Bowl aka The Grammys. With the Oscars catching a lot of flack for lack of diversity, it feels like the Grammys have a chance at being the crown jewel of awards shows this year.

Although it’s always a one of a kind concert to watch live and the trophies definitely lead to sales spikes, it’s always more about the week’s events then it is the actual awards day itself. And boy is it going to be a power packed week.

I’m headed out to Cali today but meanwhile in NYC, I’m going to be missing Fashion Week, Valentines Day and Kanye’s grand release party at MSG. #FOMO. I read about a really interesting trend called JOMO which all rings true. JOMO is the Joy Of Missing Out. Nothing like staying in on a Friday night to catch your breath, right?! Ha.

On another note, I’m surprised to hear Grammy Connect or their Social Media Rockstar day isn’t taking place this year. Those were always pretty classic. Feels like a big opportunity for someone to step in during the weekend and bring together some influential conversations around the changing landscape in the digital space.

With that said, the third annual Digital Entertainment World should hopefully fill that void although it’s the earlier side of the week. I definitely plan on checking that out as I'm speaking there on Thursday @12pm with Farrah Bezner from Mondelez on the Brands/Advertising Fireside Chat: The Future of Bands and Brands.

Shout out to Twitter for taking a nice step in the right direction this week with diversity and catering to the music industry by bringing in industry insider and my friend Fadia Kader to head up Music Partnerships. Follow her as I’m sure that’s going to be heating up.

And if you want to meet up, here are a couple speaking gigs I have in the next month or so and some discount codes included. 

 - @JesseKay
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