Almost 8 years ago

Moving to America #ReadMyLips

Dear mr Trump,

I am a Dutch girl. Who has got a great lot of friends in the United States and I've been wanting to move to the US. But I am scared that I won't be as free as I am in my own country. I am also scared that if I move and maybe have children schooling will be the way it is in America and will not have changed. I'm scared that racism is an active thing in the united states. 

What I want to change: people should be free, it's a right in my country and the united states should offer that some amount of freedom. 

School should be changed. I know the US school system and it's broken. Kids should remember what they learn and not just get high test scores and then forget about it. 

My country is one of the most multi cultural ones. To me it doesn't matter if you're black, white or even purple. If you're nice to me I'll be nice to you! I want Americans to be able to think like that as well.

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