Almost 8 years ago

Living in Texas #ReadMyLips

Hello, I am a high school student in central Texas, one of the most conservative areas that I know of. Everyday, I hear people degrading women. I hear boys using terms to make fun of each other that mean being female. Most of all, I hear them praising saying women are weak, and should "get back in the kitchen." My ears receive messages that tell me that I am just a piece of meat that belongs to a man, that I cannot be intelligent, and that I will never be able to become better than any man. I want women to have equal rights, and I know we have far to go. Even though people try to bring me down, I have hope. I have hope that a Republican President will bring the genders to equality, because that is the only chance I have to seeing the majority of my school see women as more. I am the top of my class, the strongest from participating in powerlifting, and yes there are males that give me respect, but they are the minority. I have to be the source of strength for my best friends that say they can't, simply because that is what they have been taught. When women must pull each other from the depths of despair that our own teachers push us into, there is a problem. If I can have one dream, it is that women will get the respect they deserve, allowing all genders to be equal.

3 replies
  • Like some else has said before, whenever I see a man or a boy disrespecting a woman, I automatically think that he is disrespecting his mother. Likewise, bad children's behavior can only be the sign of a bad education by those men or boys' parents. What good children want people to think that their parents are bad?
    • Stay strong! Awesome post:)
      • This is an absolutely beautiful post. Growing up in an area with inherent biases -- where you know life can be better than what others around you say -- can be challenging. But keep rising and keep courage. You sound like an incredible talent that can't be stopped. Super proud of you.