From Irvington, NJ #ReadMyLips
How can you expect us to respect you when you've said, in regards to women, "Grab them by the pussy".
How can you expect us to respect you when you've called African-American people thugs, lazy, and thieves.
How can you expect us to respect you when you've insulted a handicapped reporter.
How can you expect us to respect you when you've taken away healthcare from those who need it and jobs that you promised you'd create instead of destroying.
In order to get respect, you have to give it. You are not entitled to the American people's trust as the leader of a free and sovereign nation. It must be earned. In fact, you have done everything in your power to make us distrust your judgement and completely abhor your name on the nightly news.
We need to see remorse. We need to see compassion. We need to see humility. And be warned: people can tell when you are bullshitting them. And some people will simply choose not to believe you even if you do start to exhibit these traits because of the profound disrespect you have exuded. You cannot afford to lie to the American people- not if you desire a sliver of hope and cooperation from us for the next four years.
You will reap what you sow. God Bless You...and May He Have Mercy on Your Soul Donald Trump.