Past Mogul Events
Mental Health Awareness & AAPI Heritage Month: Celebrating Your Journey & Nurturing Your Mental Well-Being
Penny Abeywardena, Recipient of French Knighthood, Former NYC Commissioner for International Affairs, Founder of Soft Power Strategies, NYU McSilver Fellow & Board Member, and Janet Noh, Critically Acclaimed Singer-Songwriter, Resident Artist at Lincoln Center, and Former Board Member at KAFSC
As part of Mental Health Awareness Month & AAPI Heritage Month, we're excited to invite you to a powerful and uplifting event focused on the well-being of the mind and spirit. "Celebrating Your Identity & Nurturing Your Mental Well-Being" brings together three influential leaders who are leading by example in their commitment to mental health advocacy and empowerment. Join us for an enriching conversation with: Penny Abeywardena, Recipient of French Knighthood, Former NYC Commissioner for International Affairs, Founder of Soft Power Strategies, NYU McSilver Fellow & Board Member; Janet Noh, Critically Acclaimed Singer-Songwriter, Resident Artist at Lincoln Center, and Former Board Member at KAFSC; and Tiffany Pham, Founder and CEO of Mogul, Board Member, Investor, TV Personality, and WSJ Bestselling Author. Together, these pioneering speakers will share how they honor their identities while navigating the challenges and triumphs of mental well-being. They will share their personal journeys, discussing the hurdles they've navigated and the successes they've achieved, providing a testament to the perseverance inherent within their communities. In addition to sharing their stories, our speakers will offer practical strategies and tools to tackle discrimination, enhance professional development, and foster inclusivity within various professional landscapes. This session is designed to empower all professionals by providing insights into leadership, innovation, and community building. They will offer personal insights into self-care practices, cultural influences on mental health, and strategies for maintaining balance amid the pressures of professional excellence. This session is not just about addressing mental health in the community but celebrating the strength it brings to our personal and professional lives. Tune in to be inspired, to find community, and to learn how to nurture your own mental well-being.
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